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br Methods This prospective study
Methods This prospective study was conducted at the Zekai Tahir Burak Woman\'s Health, Research and Education Hospital, Ankara, Turkey between April 2009 and August 2009. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee of the hospital, and an informed consent was signed by all patients befor
Por su parte Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su art
Por su parte, Juan Carlos Grijalva titula su artículo “A caballo, por la ruta de los libertadores: el legado mesiánico y elitista de José Vasconcelos en Ecuador”. Grijalva explica que el ensayista mexicano llegó buy Cisplatin Ecuador el 17 de junio de 1930 procedente de Colombia, cabalgando los Ande
All photographs colour or black
All photographs—colour or black and white—should be , along with the required text and any supporting material for online publication. Please select Photograph as the article type. If a digital camera is used please set it to the highest possible quality setting and submit images as JPEG files. If
Ashuntantang and colleagues should have also highlighted
Ashuntantang and colleagues should have also highlighted other prominent factors in the region that contribute to such poor outcomes, including a dearth of workforce ( In a study in , Adam Bennet and colleagues have applied innovative methods to do an analysis of household survey data providing evi
br Acknowledgments This work was funded by Project
Acknowledgments This work was funded by Project 31500647 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China; the Scientific Research Project of Jiangsu Health Commission, China (H2018035); the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK20161279, BK20161290); the Scientific Re
br Introduction Bone marrow adipocytes are one of the
Introduction Bone marrow adipocytes are one of the most abundant cell types found in bone marrow tissue. They constitute approximately 15% of the bone marrow volume in young adults, rising to 60% by the age of 65 years old [1]. Previously considered as inert space filling cells with little biolog
On behalf of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
On behalf of the Japanese Heart Rhythm Society (JHRS), I am pleased to announce that we JHRS are merged with the Japanese Society of Electrocardiology (JCE) in 2015. Both societies have about 30-year history since their establishments, and have contributed to the development of sciences, education a
La eleg a de tus ojos Uno de los
“La elegía de tus ojos” (1914) Uno de los poemas más tempranos de Pellicer, “La elegía de tus ojos”, ya demuestra un sentido nuevo de historicidad. Escrito en 1914, en el apogeo del posmodernismo y durante la Revolución mexicana, cuando el poeta tenía apenas unos quince años, este poema se adhiere
En este mismo sentido Maryluz Vallejo
En este mismo sentido, Maryluz Vallejo M. afirma que: Es decir, el medio de comunicación sí ostentaba una postura política, la diferencia con los otros estaba en que dicha postura lograba congregar l-name los partidarios de posiciones políticas contrarias y, en lugar de ser objeto de exposición o p
Es as como se establece
Es así como se establece la relación entre los dos relatos: la novela histórica es parte de la novela policíaca y ambas tienden al mismo fin trágico, la muerte de su respectivo héroe. Al respecto, conviene hacer ciertas acotaciones sobre el término de “héroe”. Si bien en este último pasaje citado de
tankyrase inhibitor In vitro test for EEC JAK mutations and
In vitro test for EEC, JAK2 mutations and paraclinical parameters were performed by routine analysis. Discussion It is always important to make the correct diagnosis – in particular when molecular biological analyses are available. The pursuit of the correct diagnosis was intensified in these t
AL 8697 cost Letsas et al reported that the prevalence of Br
Letsas et al. reported that the prevalence of Brugada-type ECG was 0.34% in men and 0.04% in women in the Greek population [19]. Despite the similar BS gender differences between the Greeks and the Japanese, many multicenter studies performed in Western countries indicated that the frequency of men
Of additional interest have been rare cases of
Of additional interest have been rare cases of atypical purchase Amyloid Beta-Peptide (1-40) fracture reported in women with breast cancer [16,17], described as transverse fractures with focal cortical hypertrophy occurring in the femoral diaphysis with minimal trauma [18]. While atypical fractures
In patients with typical atrial flutter
In patients with typical atrial flutter circulating around the tricuspid valve, the verification of a bidirectional conduction block is recommended for cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation, because a unidirectional conduction block at the CTI has been previously reported to cause recurrence of atria
Sin embargo las identidades sexuales
Sin embargo, las identidades sexuales politizadas no han sido simples corolarios de la homofobia y trato despectivo hacia las sexualidades contra culturales. Para hacerse visibles, requirieron complejas condiciones sociales y políticas con el fin de producir un sentido de experiencia de comunidad qu
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