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Second although it is an important and
Second, although it is an important and biologically plausible refinement, risk-factor adjustment based on lack of access to improved water in rural areas and urban slums could be open to criticism, as the authors acknowledge. The imperfect relation between access to improved water and consumption o
En tanto fray Bartolom de las Casas
En tanto, fray Bartolomé de las Casas resume el breve pasaje inicial de Pané en el capítulo cxx del volumen I de la Apologética Historia: Deidades, ídolos y cuerpos: el fracaso de pané El proyecto de construcción del monoteísmo taíno invalida la consistencia etnográfica del material recogido por
order LJI308 br Material and methods br Results Thirty one p
Material and methods Results Thirty-one patients were enrolled consecutively, in this randomized study, between January 2010 and March 2012. The mean age was 65.5±13.7 years. The proportion of patients with primary prevention indication was 25.8% and ischemic cardiomyopathy was 29.0%. All repo
In addition our present findings
In addition, our present findings demonstrated that NOACs may offer advantages over warfarin therapy besides efficiency and safety. The time to ECV in the present OAC-naïve patients was significantly shorter in the NOAC group compared to the VKA group. This may be explained by the delayed achievemen
Our findings show that primary prevention ICD recipients exp
Our findings show that primary prevention ICD recipients experienced an impaired QOL on vitality subscales, which were included in the physical health domain, compared to secondary prevention ICD recipients. Similarly, Berg et al. also found that ICD patients with a primary prevention indication had
We built and improved on previous models of
We built and improved on previous models of research capacity strengthening and used an integrated approach not only focused on individual researchers or providing technical assistance but also on fostering an institutional environment that ap5 is supportive of safe and ethical science. Our main ob
Entretanto quando as elei es presidenciais se
Entretanto, quando as eleições presidenciais se aproximaram em 1990 o país vivia um momento bastante diferente, marcado não somente pelos agudos problemas econômicos já descritos, mas também pelo incremento da ação militar urbana de Sendero Luminoso, uma vez que Aminoallyl-UTP partir de 1989 sua lid
While this report demonstrates that CMA with
While this report demonstrates that CMA with SNP arrays is useful for the analysis of genomic imbalances in the peripheral blood of patients with suspected MDS, this technique is not readily available at many medical centers and many institutions perform fluorescence in situ hybridization to detect
Based on the close relationship
Based on the close relationship of the canine wedge model to human ECGs, individuals with prominent J waves (ERS) or J/ST elevation (BS) are thought to have accentuated ventricular AP notch and the potential to lose their AP dome because of extrinsic factors such as vagal stimulation, sodium channel
br Conflict of interest statement br Acknowledgments
Conflict of interest statement Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Dr. Bjørn Naume, and Dr. Erik Løkkevik from the Department of Clinical Oncology, the Norwegian Radium Hospital for their helpful comments. This study was supported by grants from the Norwegian Radium Hospital Founda
El ansia renovadora que suscita
El ansia renovadora que suscita también se crea y re-crea en los paratextos ilustrados, que en cierto modo también sugieren una performatividad discursiva aplicada a la realidad convulsa de México en la revista Futuro, que puede observarse en la imagen y que se ha titulado, “Defensores del orden”.
El estudio se realiza desde una perspectiva cualitativa
El estudio se realiza desde una perspectiva cualitativa, LY 294002 manufacturer partir del análisis del discurso de entrevistas a miembros de los movimientos sociales, así como de declaraciones, discursos y otros textos vinculados tanto a gobiernos, como a los movimientos y sus respectivos proyectos
ZIKV is a flavivirus related to dengue virus
ZIKV is a flavivirus related to dengue virus (DENV) and historically has been transmitted by the same mosquito species, (). There is no available treatment or vaccine so disease control is limited to the management of mosquitoes which currently relies on either insecticides or the destruction of la
The concept of substrate mapping and
The concept of substrate mapping and ablation evolved from these surgical experiences. Unlike surgeons who can visually identify the infarct region, electrophysiologists must locate the abnormal region using the guidance of local ventricular electrograms. Marchlinski et al. reported that voltage map
br Dissemination permissive characteristics of the BM vascul
Dissemination-permissive characteristics of the BM vascular niche Sinusoids (type L capillaries) are the most abundant blood vessels in bone and widely distributed throughout the bone marrow cavity [8]. Sinusoids in bone are discontinuous single layer of endothelial KY02111 Supplier devoid of pe
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