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br Treatment and follow up recommendations for patients rece
Treatment and follow-up recommendations for patients receiving aromatase inhibitors Conclusions and future directions It is evident that, in addition to BMD, clinical risk factors can greatly influence fracture risk. In addition to morbidity and mortality, fractures are associated with high he
Describe la colonizaci n de Am rica en t
Describe la colonización de América en términos de violencia, explotación y maltrato, una imposición que el poeta todavía siente en su presente, el legado de la colonialidad: A lo largo del texto, Pellicer alude al mito de Quetzalcóatl en relación tbtu la invasión europea y la resistencia de Cuauht
La Brev ssima relaci n de la destruyci n
La Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, fechada el 8 de diciembre de 1542, se publica en el año 1552 (“… fue rogado e importunado que destas postreras pusiesse algunas por brevedad por escrito”). Finalmente es condenada en 1660 por el Tribunal de la Inq
Interpretation The SMART course can give orthopaedic surgeon
Interpretation The SMART course can give orthopaedic surgeons practising in LMICs the skills and knowledge to successfully perform flaps and reduce amputation. While this GSK1324726A course offers a collaborative, sustainable approach to reduce global surgery disparities in amputation, future inves
Discussion Previous study has shown that one of the most
Discussion Previous study has shown that one of the most important characteristics of music is that of reducing anxiety. The mechanism of music therapy is thought to arise from multiple nervous stimuli that are conducted into the brain, which are antagonists to each other, and under certain conditi
br Discussion The site of the successful
Discussion The site of the successful ablation was the earliest site where a TSP was recorded during tachycardia. The TSP preceded each His bundle deflection by 15ms during tachycardia, but was inverted during atrial pacing. Moreover, the TSP–His deflection interval remained unchanged at differen
Since the first description of epicardial VT ablation with p
Since the first description of epicardial VT ablation with percutaneous subxiphoid access in 1996, epicardial mapping and ablation have been widely performed for the treatment of scar-related VT [55]. Svenson et al. reported that buspirone hcl Supplier epicardial VT circuits are particularly common
La descripci n de la batalla de Churubusco
La descripción de la batalla de Churubusco obtiene un grado mayor de dramatismo en el tiempo presente, índice de un tiempo congelado, eternizado en un momento histórico, aunque no en sitio sino desde el punto de vista de Juan Bolao (“que subía al mirador”) desde la Quinta de San Jacinto, lugar campe
br Health research consortia in sub Saharan Africa present
Health research consortia in sub-Saharan Africa present a positive outlook for the region through increased scientific capacity. New networks of African–African, African–European, and African–global partnerships provide platforms to advance crucial research domains. Such networks enable junior Afr
br Discussion Bone marrow fibrosis is known to be associated
Discussion Bone marrow fibrosis is known to be associated with hematolymphoid malignancies such as acute leukemia, Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Among the acute leukemias, marrow fibrosis is most often seen with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. It is an uncommon finding in APL and till date o
In Alexandre de Figueiredo and colleagues take a step in
In , Alexandre de Figueiredo and colleagues take a step in this direction with their time-series analysis of trends in vaccine coverage and a suite of socioeconomic and demographic factors across 190 countries over 30 years. The main aim was to gauge where and when Ro3306 cost coverage might fall b
hospital settings br Preoperative rehabilitation Severe pulm
Preoperative rehabilitation Severe pulmonary function impairment was considered inoperable in approximately 37% of patients with anatomically resectable lung cancer. The surgical morbidity and mortality rates for patients at an acceptable risk of perioperative complications were 31.6% and 4.3%, r
Seg n Auerbach la parataxis
Según Auerbach, la parataxis es un modo primitivo y anticlásico de narrar, típico de la Edad Media, que será sustituido gradualmente por maneras más modernas y finas de describir la realidad. No obstante, en fechas recientes ha vuelto igf 1 antagonist ser practicada, por ejemplo por una serie de poe
Ante la falta de un ambiente estimulante
Ante la falta de un ambiente estimulante para la producción de un pensamiento crítico y una conciencia social, Pablo Molinet (1975) escribe: “Quizá nuestra época nos dejó hablando solos” (93). No es de extrañar: luego de 1968, las concentraciones de jóvenes fueron vistas como un peligro y se dispuso
Many advocates assert that improved sanitation is a basic
Many advocates assert that improved sanitation is a basic human right. The main justification for this assertion is that sanitation is essential for achievement of health and promotion of human dignity. If the justification for investment in sanitation is a right based on privacy and human dignity,
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